

Human, Environment, Safety


Fludioxonil 20 SC

A fungicide specializing in gray mold and resistant fungus !

Item : Fludioxonil

Active Ingredient : Fludioxonil 20% (w/w)

Strain : Cyanopyrroles

Toxicity :Low toxicity, Fish toxicity (Ⅱ)

Application target and amount

Crop Disease Application method
Strawberry Gray mold  Foliar spray with 7 days intervals from early incidence 
Mallow Blight
Ginseng Gray mold
Tomato (Cherry tomato) Leaf mold
Gray mold

* Based on registration in Korea


1 Specialized fungicide for gray mold and resistant fungus.

: Shows excellent efficacy on gray mold which is resistant to other chemicals.

2 Excellent preventive and curative effect

: Shows excellent preventive and curative effect to inhibit growth and germination of hyphae and conidia.

3 Strong systemic effect

: Shows great efficacy and long-lasting effect to translocate into plants strongly.

4 Safely Applicable during the harvesting season

: Can be used in harvesting season due to wide range of application period and short-term residual matter.

5 Safe for the environment, humans, and animals

: Low toxicity fungicide so that it is safe for the environment, humans, and animals.

Experiment data
