

Human, Environment, Safety


Validamycin A 10 SP

Professional bactericide without chemical spot matter.

Item : Validamycin A

Active Ingredient : Validamycin A 10% (w/w)

Strain : Antibiotics

Toxicity :Low toxicity, Fish toxicity (Ⅲ)

Application target and amount

Crop Disease Application method
Red pepper (Sweet pepper) Bacterial spot  Foliar spray with 7 days interval from early incidence 
Chinese cabbage Soft rot
Chinese chive
Peach Shot hole disease  Foliar spray with 10 days intervals right before the disease occurs 
Korean cabbage Soft rot  Foliar spray with 7 days from early incidence 

* Based on registration in Korea


1 Inhibition of bacterial development

: Prevents secondary development of bacteria to inhibit baterial development. 

2 Excellent efficacy against resistant bacteria.

: Effective against bacteria which are resistant to other products.

3 Outstanding safety on various crops

4 No concern about chemical spot matter. 

: No problem of chemical spot matter on crops because of perfect dissolving chararteroistic as SP formulation type.