

Human, Environment, Safety


Thiophanate-methyl 40 SC

An innovative fungicide for preventing blast

Item : Thiophanate-methyl

Active Ingredient : Thiophanate-methyl 40% (w/w)

Strain : Carbamates

Toxicity :Moderately tocxicity, Fish toxicity (Ⅲ)

Application target and amount

Crop Disease Application method
Rice Rice blast  Foliar spray right before the incidence or from early incidence 
Leaf blast
Panicle blast  Foliar spray right before ear emergence until the full heading stage 
Branch blast  Foliar spray before the incidence 
Grain blast
Ear blight  Foliar spray when controlling panicle blast 
Grape Bird's eye rot  Foliar spray right before the incidence or from early incidence 

* Based on registration in Korea


1 Broad spectrumed cutative effect and excellent systemic effect.

: Excellent preventive and curative effect on wide range of diseases.

2 Outstanding control effect and wide ranged application period.

: Inhibition of spore germination, appressorium formation, and hyphal invasion in wide ranged application peride.

3 Bring harvest of high quality rice

: Bring high qualified harvest by controlling various major diseases of rice.