

Human, Environment, Safety


Imidacloprid 8 SC

The best insecticide for controlling sucking insects

Item : Imidacloprid

Active Ingredient : Imidacloprid 8% (w/w)

Strain : Neonicotinoid

Toxicity :Low toxicity, Fish toxicity (Ⅲ)

Application target and amount

Crop Insects Application method
Apple Apple leaf-curling aphid  Foliar spray from early occurrence 
Spirea aphid
Red pepper (Sweet pepper) Cotton aphids
Green peach aphid
Citrus Citrus leaf miner  Foliar spray  with 10 days interval from early occurrence 
Spirea aphid  Foliar spray from early occurrence 
Pear Pear psylla  Canopy applicationas from early occurrence 
Broccoli Cabbage aphid  Foliar spray from early occurrence 
Rose Tobacco whitefly  Foliar spray with 7 days interval from early occurrence 
Bell peppers
Kiwi Empoasca  Foliar spray from early occurrence 
Chinese chive Mulberry thrip  Foliar spray with 7days interval from early occurrence 

* Based on registration in Korea


1 No doubtful control value

: With its powerful systemic property, the product controls even insects which the product is not directly contacted with. 

2 Wide-range spectrum of insects. 

: It is effective for eliminating larger pear suckers, leaf miners, thrips, whiteflies, and scales, as well as aphids.

3 Fast and long-lasting efficacy

: The product acts fast and its efficacy lasts for a long period of time.