Functional Fertilizer
Scorpion K
Silver Bell
Strengthening the cellular tissues of plants, enhancing tolerance, and improving quality
Silver Bell Plus
Strengthening the cellular tissues of plants, enhancing tolerance, and improving quality
Soil Health Treatment
Streptomycin 20 WP
A popular and traditional fungicide for bacterial diseases
Synergy Enhancer
Tebuconazole 12 DC
A wide range specturm fungicide with excent preventive and curative effect.
Tebuconazole 2 GR
Expert soil treatment fungicide.
Tebuconazole 25 EC
Fast, effective control efficacy with powerful systemic effect
Tebuconazole 25 WG
A convenient WG type fungicide with wide range spectrum.
Tebuconazole 25 WP
The byword of a curative fungicide